A Beautiful Sunrise!

As we reached the abode of water when it was dawning,
the sky was slightly dark and filled with clouds
the moon was trying to illuminate it by its unquestionable charm.

As we were eagerly waiting for the sun to shine and brighten up the sky,
the red hot ball was shying away from us, hiding behind the clouds .

As the warm water of sea was playing with our feet, 
our hopeful eyes were fixed on the horizon, praying...
Oh mighty and glorious Sun !

Please shower your radiance upon us
We are eager to embrace your soothing rays
Stop playing hide and seek
We are waiting to get your charismatic glimpse

As the birds were dancing and chirping all around,
we felt blessed and amazed by witnessing the most beautiful event of nature.
Finally the rays of our beloved sun are spreading slowly across the limitless sky.

As the proud and gorgeous sun showed its first glimpse and 
the red carpet was laid on the sea by its shining rays,
we could not stop ourselves from shouting "Wow!" as we were awestruck in that blissful moment.

As everyone started going back to their daily chores,
we were still standing on the shore, gazing the aesthetic and vibrant sky.
We wanted to capture the astonishing moment in our eyes, 
wishing to be in the moment forever.

An aura of immense pulchritude that surrounded us is ineffable! 


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